Talking to Complex People!!!

  The problem with talking to "not so normal" people is you are never sure of how they are going to interpret you. A casual sentence like "thanks for the time and help" can be misinterpreted is something that I realized today. 

I have a small problem when it comes to interviews/conversations , when given enough time I start analyzing the interviewer/speaker and once i find out that they are people with complexes(superior or inferior), normal interviewing becomes difficult. With an inferiority complex person there is always a fear of sounding arrogant or aggressive. With a superiority complex person there is a problem of sounding too weak or not so confident.

Had a conversation with one such "complex" person and have now been labeled Arrogant, Aggressive, Domineering and Over Confident. (dunno why those adjective make me feel like HARI SADU) . I am not denying the fact that I am a bit of every one of those adjectives mentioned above, but am also totally convinced I am as a person - more positive adjectives and less negative adjectives. Also I am trying real seriously to reduce the degree of those negative adjectives , so although one person's opinion shouldn't really matter much, I am hurt that someone thought i am all bad.

That said perhaps thats what happens when you talk to "complex" people.


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