Was suffering from severe BLOGSTIPATION for the last few days.Just could not find anything to write.I know people prefer calling the syndrome "Writers Block" but somehow I prefer "Blogstipation".Its 9.35 PM was about to leave and just then the "bulb glow" Blogstipation cured I could think of something to write.
When it comes to eating I am a connosieur.I am vegeterian,more specifically a "Non Egg eating vegeterian".After one group of people started the propagation of Egg as a vegetarian dish ,there suddenly seems to be a subgroups among vegeterians.The egg eating group and non egg eating vegetarains.
I can safely tell you that there are dozens of vegetarian dishes(non-egg containing dishes :-)) that I have devoured and my taste buds can easily find out if a dish is properly cooked even if it is only slightly improperly cooked.Now although that seems to be a meritorious ability to possess it has its own disadvantages.I just cannot stand bad food.(For Exampe:- I dont classify puffs served in our company as food)
My mother is a real great cook.Easily the best I have ever come across.But her cooking is like Tendulkar's batting.Two good innings and you know a "Duck" is in the offing.But cos of her I have gotten so used to eating real good food that I am unable to compromise on the quality.
My grandmother is another real good cook.But the problem is her cooking is like Dravid's batting.Although its consistent U get really used to the style after some time its too cliche and boring.And I feel "variety adds spice to life".
I eat lunch at our office canteen.I subscribed after I saw all those paneer masala,chappatis etc on my first day at office.But then consistency of the food at canteen is pathetic.For example today the entire gang which had food with me dint go for a second serving ,it just was not worth it.The chappatis are half baked most of the time and the menu is too consistent.Consistent menus are just against my policy "Variety adds spice to life".All this has led to my avoiding lunch at our office 10-15 times in the last two months.
Now finding issues is easy , fix them is not.So I decided to work on this matter.I asked my grandmother for a solution.But like all grandmothers she suggested getting married.(how dint I guess that she was going to say that).May be thats what all granny suggest.Typically cos "in their times" the bride was expected to cook well and that was one of the chief occupeations of a good wife.But in any case thats like adding a gazillion problems to your life (no offence to married people) to solve one.And I have my principles(remember "variety adds.....").Just kidding(not fully though ;-))Also it is too early in the innings to introduce a new batsmen that too a debutant about whose performance you are not sure.(sachin=mother,dravid=grandma)
What better solution than cooking yourself?You know what u want , u can make varieties, u may be a debutant but can always improve cos u know what u want and will abide by it and more importantly there is this factor called EGO which will keep u away from saying "This food sucks".Thats it Eureka!! here is the solution I am going to learn to cook(anybody interested in teaching).May be one month down the line u can all eat real real good food cooked by me.Who knows?? :-) :-)
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5:32 PM
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